accords accost accosted . accorded according according to
accorded; according; accords; account; accounted; accounting; A cont. accounts; accuse; accused; accuses; accusing; ache; ache for; ached; ached for; aches; aches for; achieve; achieved
accorded according according to accordingly . accordions accords
Base verb from the following inflections: according, accorded, accords, accorder, accorders, accordingly and accordedly.[Eve - graph theoretic]
accords: accord: accord: accord: Past: accorded: accorded: accorded: accorded: accorded: accorded . according to; according to all accounts; according to one's lights; according .
accordable, accordance, accordant, accordantly, accorded, accorder, accorders, according, accordingly, accordion, accordionist, accordionists, accordions, accords,
To grant, especially as being due or appropriate: accorded . The party was made legal under the 1991 peace accords. . according to. 1 as said or told by According to John, the bank .
he/she/it accords we accord you accord they accord: Preterite I accorded you . they were according: Past perfect I had accorded you had accorded he/she/it had accorded
according; in accord with; accord with; with one accord . His account of the incident accords with yours.
Those sweet accords are even the angels' lays. . accorded
accorded, according -> [according], accords
but by a competent stock of critical learning. . According According as Accordingly Accordion Accordionist
An informational site about Accorded, Human Rights and . According to the text, what factors allowed Napolean to gain . According; Accordingly; Accordment; Accords; D'accord
Englisch-Deutsch-�bersetzung f�r according im Online-W�rterbuch dict.cc . according | more according accorded, according -> [according], accords | most according: VERB : to accord | accorded | accorded according | accords
�bersetzung f�r according im Englisch-Deutsch-W�rterbuch dict.cc. . to accord | accorded | accorded according | accords
he/she/it accords himself/herself/itself we . I am
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